A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Category: Uncategorized Page 29 of 31

Bar-B-Geek… Geek-A-Que… Whatever…

So, I’m thinking about having a grill-out for my local geek friends and acquaintances one day this summer.  I’m not sure what to call it, though.  Here are a few of my thoughts:

  • Bar-B-Geek
  • Geek-A-Que
  • Bar-B-Geek-A-Que
  • Q#

Maybe I could do it in conjunction with the Milwaukee Nerd Dinner?  Or maybe not?  I haven’t really thought that much about it other than getting preliminary approval from Kelly (my wife).  ๐Ÿ™‚

How do you want your burger done?  (It doesn’t really matter how you answer.  If I’m grilling, it will probably be medium-well.)

Searching for a Niche

WARNING: I ramble on and on in this post.

So the last few days I’ve been thinking a lot about “my niche”, or, more accurately, my lack thereof.  OK, so I haven’t been on a pilgrimage, or quest, or anything like that, but I’ve probably spent a grand total of 30-60 minutes thinking about this, and talking to Gerry about it.

You know how some people are known by what they are good at?  For example, there’s the “patterns guy“, the “persistence/ORM guy“, the “AI guy“, the “audiobook guy“, the “RSS guy” etc.  Well, I’m wondering what “guy” I am, or should be, or if I should be a “guy” at all.  It’s not an ego thing really — I just want to be an expert at something.

So far, I don’t think that I am an expert on any particular topic.  I know a fair amount about a fair amount of topics, but can’t think of anything where I might be considered the guru.  I’ve been trying to think about what topic I would like to use as my niche, so I started by thinking of things that interest me or have interested me in the past.  Here’s a short list:

  • Programming
  • Graph Theory (enjoyed in college)
  • Number Theory (enjoyed in college)
  • Reading books (although I tend to stop reading after about 20-50 pages)
  • Reading blogs
  • Music (playing and listening)
  • Writing (sometimes)

I know I have other interests, but these seemed to be the most likely to lead to some level of gurudom (guruness?  guruosity?).  Of course, I’ve forgotten almost everything I learned about Graph and Number Theory, and I’m barely an amateur on my bass guitar.  I could study, though, if I could see some application of the knowledge.  After all these years, I don’t even know how one would apply knowledge gained in the study of Number Theory — I just remember thinking the class was very enjoyable and that I had a good teacher.

I should go dig up my old textbooks.

Other than the math topics, my interest list seems to indicate that maybe I should become a reviewer of some sort (book, music, blog, etc.), but I really have no interest at all in doing that.  God only knows that I don’t want to be an expert at code reviews.  Now that would be boring.

This is just the present-day version of “what do I want to be when I grow up”.  I knew better when I was 14 what I wanted to be than I do now at 30.  If you had asked me 15 years ago, I would have told you that I was going to be a physicist.  I had taken a high school physics class that was very easy and natural and interesting.  Of course, college physics changed my mind on that topic, and I’ve been unsure of what I wanted to do ever since.

Oh well.  It’s not like I have to make a life-changing decision on anything this week, right?  But I am going to spend some time thinking about what interests me, and what I can do to become an expert at those things.

Unfortunately, I think becoming a professional baseball player is out of the picture anymore.

TechEd 2005

It looks like I’m going to TechยทEd this year!  I found out a few weeks ago that it was a possibility.  I just found out yesterday that my corporate credit card limit is being increased so that I can register myself and my boss, reserve hotel, flights, etc.  I’m pretty excited about going.  I haven’t decided what sessions to attend yet, but will probably attend a combination of web development and architecture tracks.

I’ve never been before.  I imagine it will be a complete information overload, though.  Does anyone have any tips?  I imagine I’ll be referring to the conference DVDs regularly for a while after the fact.

Is anyone else going this year?  From the Milwaukee area, the only person that I know of (so far) that’s going, is Damon.  If anyone else is going, especially from the WI .NET Users Group, let me know!

April Milwaukee Nerd Dinner

This month’s Milwaukee Nerd Dinner is on April 26th at Buffalo Wild Wings on Mayfair.  I’m going to try to actually be there this time.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Attention All Readers

Thanks for reading.  It’s not like I’m getting major amounts of traffic to this site, but I’m getting more than I expected — currently a few thousand page views per week on average, which I’m pretty pleased with since I haven’t really told many people about it in person.

Now if I could ask a simple favor…

Please register for this site (don’t worry — it’s free and SPAM-free).  Then, please leave me some comments.  Or send me a note to let me know that you’re reading, or have subscribed, or that you’ve linked to me.

Anyway, thanks again.  Stay tuned because you never know when one of these posts might actually be interesting… 


Settlement at Utica Lake

I’ve been quiet for a while.  Things have been busy lately, to say the least.

Kelly and I bought a lot last week, and are planning to build a house.  Right now, it’s just a field, but there is a big tree (oak I think) on the corner of the lot and a few smaller trees near the back lot line.  Since this was farmland, we have some of the only trees in the whole subdivision (named “Settlement at Utica Lake”).  There is a small lake (Utica Lake) very near by, and lots of trees around that, but none of the lots actually have lakefront property.

Here is a map of the area — our lot is the third one from the lake going west.  The pin is close, but may not be exact.  The lots aren’t marked on the map, so to put it into perspective, there are 13 lots between Gramling Lane and Utica Lake.  Our lot is roughly 0.4 acres.  It’s mostly flat — at least compared to our current yard.

I took a few pictures of the land the other day and will post them soon.  It just looks like a field, but it’s our field.  ๐Ÿ™‚  I’ll try to keep the updates coming as things progress, especially when there are more pictures.

HTML Syntax Highlighter

This isn’t new.  I found it linked from Scott Hanselman’s blog.  Even though I didn’t discover it, it’s still pretty cool if you ever plan to post code to your blog, or include it in any other HTML document.  Check out CopySourceAsHTML.  It is a VS.NET add-in that copied selected text and formats it in HTML to look as it does in VS.  Here is a sample.

   12 Class HelloClass

   13     ‘ Private Variables

   14     Private _Who As String


   16     ‘ Public Variables

   17     Public Property Who() As String

   18         Get

   19             Return _Who

   20         End Get

   21         Set(ByVal Value As String)

   22             _Who = Value

   23         End Set

   24     End Property


   26     ‘ Public Methods

   27     Public Function SayHello() As String

   28         Return SayHello(Me.Who)

   29     End Function


   31     Public Function SayHello(ByVal Name As String) As String

   32         Return String.Format(“Hello, {0}”, Name)

   33     End Function

   34 End Class

A History of the Future of Media

EPIC 2014

The Big 2-0

No, I’m not talking about my age (sadly, I’m the big 3-0).  I’m talking about blogging.  I just realized that I was at 19 posts since I started blogging again on February 7.  So I decided to post this one to round it off to twenty.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to do this “milestone post” on a regular basis.  I guess that depends on if I have anything to say after my 29th post, or 49th post, etc.  I suppose for that matter I could just start posting “milestones” at any point, such as “This Is My 32nd Post”, but I don’t see any rhyme or reason to that — unless, of course, you consider that 32 is a power of 2.  Hmmm.  I could have a decimal milestone post AND a binary milestone post! 

Don’t even get me started on base 3!  Or prime numbers!!  That would be really fun!

I’m getting kind of excited over here!  I might actually have some serious amount of blog content pretty soon at this rate.


So I was upgrading this site from Community Server RC3 to 1.0 tonight.  No database changes were needed — just a file copy.  No problem, right? 


I forgot that I had modified the skin that I’m using to be more like what I wanted.  Even worse, I forgot that there was an unmodified version of this skin included in the CS install.  So, I overwrote all of my skin changes. 


I think I’ve mostly got it back to how it was earlier today, and I’m making my changes in a new skin directory so that I don’t do this again.  If something doesn’t look right to you, let me know.

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