A Blog by Scott Isaacs

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Ditching Google AdSense

So the Google AdSense thing wasn’t working for me, and I’m not referring to the fact that I only made 60 cents.  OK, so maybe it has a little to do with that, but the real reason is that the ads were totally out of context.  99% of the ads that were displayed were about “blog”.  The other 1% was about tsunami relief.

Both, I’m sure, are fine topics, but are not relevant to my content like they “were supposed to be”.  I e-mailed Google about this a few times to find out what could be done.  My third e-mail got no response at all.  The two responses before that were (paraphrased):

  • I need to wait for indexing by the AdSense crawler.
  • I need to use full sentences and paragraphs about specific topics.

OK, the first one I could understand.  I didn’t realize at first that AdSense uses a different index than the regular Google index.

The second suggestion, though, was a little frustrating, for a couple reasons.  First, I know I’m not a hardcore tech writer, where all I write about is code, but the majority of my posts were, in some way, about technology and development.  Second, I’m not writing term papers or essays, and in most cases, long paragraphs don’t “make sense”.  Also, as far as I can tell, I nearly always use compelte sentences.

In addition to describing my above reasoning, in each of my three e-mails, I asked (or suggested) if there was a way to “tag” my content.  For example, I could surround my content with something like this:

<div rel=”adsensecontent”>…</div>

Well, my third e-mail has been unanswered for 10 days now, so today I decided to ditch Google AdSense.  It’s not that I expect them to change their technology based on my suggestion, but I suggested/asked about something like that in each of the three e-mails, and that part was ignored each time.  It wasn’t working for me, maybe it will for you.  I’m not the only one, though.  Julie Lerman blogged about a similar issue.

Anyway, in place of AdSense, I’ve decided to post jobs from karmaONE, a service for referring people to open positions.  You can read all about it here on their site.  The service is currently in BETA, and, as you can see, most of the jobs are currently located in the San Francisco area.  If you are a recruiter in the Wisconsin area, check out karmaONE — you can help to make this list more relevant.  I might end up getting some money, but you’ll end up with a good candidate.

In the end, though, as much as I’d like extra money for doing pratcially nothing, I decided that I’d rather my “practically nothing” at least possibly help someone find a job. While making money would be nice, the satisfaction of potentially helping someone land a job outweighs the financial gain for me, even though there are other ways I could make money, like working with the Best Futures Brokers UK.

For those that care, I’m actually using OpenGUI’s Feed2JS service to display these links.  What can I say — I’m too lazy to write my own RSS display module for CommunityServer.

Casey’s /CameraFlow App

Have you seen the new app that casey (or “the lower cased one”, as OS likes to call him) wrote?  Remember the old wooden labyrinth game?  The one where you had to twist the knobs to tilt the deck so the little silver ball would roll through the maze without falling in the holes?

He wrote that for the TabletPC (in C# with managed Direct3D).  But it’s not just a game controlled by mouse or keyboard (although you can use the mouse).  The meat of the story is that the “board” is controlled by camera tracking, so if you have a camera connected to your Tablet, you can play the game by actually, physically tilting your Tablet.  Just like the real game…

I saw the app while it was in development, but haven’t seen the finished product yet.  Maybe sometime this week?  Or this weekend?

I think it’s pretty cool — he even got Scobleized.  If I had a TabletPC and a camera, I’d probably be playing it all the time.  I haven’t seen my “real” labyrinth game in several years, so I’ve had withdrawls, you know.

Maybe for version 2.0 he’ll add the ability to control it with some sort of knobs?

casey also presented on Tablet and speech technologies at our June WI .NET Users Group meeting.  He’s posted slides and code for those who are interested.  The code for the Labyrinth game will be available soon.

My Other News

Last week, I mentioned some news and said that I would have more this week.  As promised…

It’s no secret that Brian Tinkler has joined Microsoft.  He started on Monday (the same day I started my new job).  He also has taken on a new role as the VP of Marketing for INETA.  Because of all of his extra responsibilities, he has decided to step down from his role as president of the WI .NET Users Group.  As of last week, I am now the president of the UG.  It was announced last night at our monthly UG meeting.

This is new territory for me.  Fortunately, we have a solid Executive Committee, so I’m not worried.  🙂  I’m actually pretty excited! 

So anyway, look for good things in the future.  We have a lot of exciting meetings coming up!

The Past Week

I haven’t said much over the last week, but not for lack of things to say!  It’s just that there were some things that I shouldn’t have really talked about much until now.

Well, if you know me personally, you may know that lots of people are going through some type of change in their professional life.  My friend Jeff (who has no web site) has recently resigned his position as my boss in order to pursue more interesting things.  Brian is starting a new job at Microsoft on MondayGerry now has a new “partner in crime” (another programmer reporting to him).  I know that there are a few other members of the WI .NET Users Group Executive Committee that are either looking, or have recently found new contracts.

Well, on Thursday (7/28), I officially became part of the group in transition.  After ~15 months on the job, I was laid off.  My company had been downsizing since I started.  Over the last year, the development team had shrunk from 9 people to 3, and now 2.  I knew I wouldn’t always have a job there, and for that matter I didn’t want to always work there, but I didn’t expect to be let go last week, though. 

I was disappointed, but not devastated.  In fact, I was actually pretty happy.  If I had waited it out and quit on my own, I wouldn’t have got any severence.

Fortunately, I had been thinking about change recently (Chad, I was wrong — the Life 2.0 post was after the lay off), so I had been seriously looking for another position since the week before.  In fact, I already had an interview scheduled for this week, and it had been scheduled for about a week.  I had already talked to a couple different recruiters, and all were promising that they had leads that matched my skills.

Well, all of the recruiters I talked to were good people, but one in particular was very helpful.  She was referred by a friend.  I had started talking to her the week before I was laid off, but then she was out of town the entire week.  She didn’t even know I was unemployed until this past Tuesday (8/2).

In that time (2 days), she has already found me a few really good leads.  In fact, she found me a 4 week contract (and possible hire) yesterday.  Normally I wouldn’t have wanted to quit a job for a 4 week contract, but given that I don’t already have a job, I figured that a 4 week contract is the perfect length.  Either the company and I will agree to extend my contract, or they will hire me, or, if we aren’t a good match, I can keep looking for a few more weeks.

Personally, I’m amazed at the turnaround time.  I was planning to have a couple weeks off

So, anyway, I have a new job starting Monday.

And I’ll have even more news to report sometime next week (probably Tuesday or Wednesday).


The other day I started using SlickRun.  It was in Scott Hanselman’s Ultimate Tools List.  I’d seen it a while back, but finally downloaded and installed it the other day.  Here’s a screenshot:

In short, I like it a lot when I remember to use it (which is spotty, but getting more frequent).  I have it set to show on Win-Q (the default) at the location of my mouse cursor (not default).  You can run commands there as if it was the command window or Start->Run, but you can also create “MagicWords” to be shortcuts to other programs (with or without parameters).  For example, if I type Win-Q then “mor” (for morning), my e-mail, my RSS reader, and iTunes all open.

The best thing about it: it’s free!  🙂  Long live the keyboard!

Life 2.0 – Coming Soon

Be on the lookout for a new version.  It’s just around the corner!

The Answer to Life, the Universe, and How Much I Made From Google AdSense Yesterday


I made 42 cents yesterday by adding Google AdSense to my site.

Trying Google AdSense

If you’re viewing this page in your browser (as opposed to an aggregator) you will now see Google AdSense link units in the navigation.  I thought I’d try these out for a while.  As you can see, they’re smaller than the regular Google ads that you might have seen on other sites.  I imagine that they will pay out less than the other ads as well, but I’m not really expecting to make tons of money on this anyway.

That said, please feel free to click on any of them.  I’d rather get something than nothing.  😉

Update: At the moment, I’m also trying out the regular AdSense format as well, so you will see both for now.

Life v1.1

I just noticed that three pieces of software that I often use are in version 1.1:

  • Visual Studio (OK, so it’s really version 7.1 of VS, but the Framework is in v1.1)
  • Community Server
  • My web mail client

I thought that was kind of interesting and it got me thinking about other “v1.1” things.  The first thing that came to mind was my actual web sites — this blog site and my “other” site, ScottIsaacs.com.  This blog was intended to be a minor upgrade to the functionality provided by my original site — just until version 2.0 comes out.

Another, more important one-point-one is my career.  I’ve been through the 0.x pre-alpha stage, the major 1.0 release and then a minor upgrade.

Maybe I should try to upgrade my web sites and career and launch a new version in coordination with the next release of the Visual Studio…

My Wishlists

Because so many people have asked, “Scott, what wonderful items can I buy for you?”, I am including this list of various wishlists.  (I’m also going to add it to the site navigation so you can find it easier.)

OK, so the list of lists is pretty short right now, but I might add more someday.  For good measure, here is the link to my CafePress store.  Go buy something.  😉

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