A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Author: Scott Page 14 of 31


Community Server 2007 and Windows Live Writer

So I just upgraded to Community Server 2007 today, and I’ve been using Windows Live Writer for my last couple posts.  This is my first test of the two in combination. 

One thing to note, in WLW I tried to update the style of my blog, but it failed for some reason.  I may look into it later, but in all reality it’s not that important for me to see my posts in the same exact layout as they will appear after publishing.  Also, I still want to update the skin from the default one being used, but I’m not sure when I’ll get around to that.

One gripe I having about using WLW is that adding categories (tags), while easy enough to do, is obscure enough to make it easy to forget.  It’s not really obscure, just not front and center.  Oh, well.  I imagine it will just take a little time to get used to it.

Update: For some reason, after I restarted WLW a few times, the “Update Weblog Style” function began working.  Also, be sure to remember (like I didn’t) that by default CS removes the www from your URL, and that was causing problems with WLW finding the MetaBlog API (since I had changed that on my previous CS install and hadn’t changed it again on the new version).

Cool Stuff

Some cool things I found stumbling around the web.

dmf – Some cool chime-y, music box-ish, interactive thing that lets you create your own little tune.

CodePlex TFS Down?

I went to CodePlex to see what’s been going on with a couple projects since the last time I was there, and it seems that the Team Foundation Server is down.  I noticed it last night and it still seems to be down now.  I got a couple different error screens, depending on what I was trying to do.  This one when trying to view issues:

 And this one when going to the Source Code screen:

Anyway, there’s no real reason for posting this other than to post something.  So there.  I posted again.  Twice in one day.

Telerik — The Quest?

So, what is it?

I added my piece, but it’s in a lousy location.  You can’t even really tell it’s there.  Five points* to the first person to find it!

* Points have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for anything with any cash value.  Basically, I might as well have offered five billion points — you’re not really going to get anything for it.  However, you do have the privilege of saying that you got the points, and that’s worth something in and of itself.

(via Sahil Malik)

I’m Making a Difference…

I don’t IM much these days due to work load, but I still do every now and then.  When I do I primarily use Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN).

Well, I just saw this program today and figured, why not.  Just by adding a few characters to my personal message, Microsoft will donate some amount to the charity of my choice (from a list of charities).  I’m sure it’s not a ton of money being donated per IM conversation, but since it doesn’t take any more effort on my part, I might as well have my IMs make a difference.  It would be nice to see how much is being donated to each cause.  I wonder if that is something Microsoft would be willing to share?

So, anyway, if you’re a WLM/MSN user, why not take 60 seconds that could end up donating at least a few bucks to some worthy cause?

Happy Birthday To .NET

Today is .NET’s fifth birthday.  Five years ago today, on February 13, 2002, Microsoft launched Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework.  I was at the launch event at Navy Pier in Chicago with my buddies Steve Ballmer and Don Box, and what seemed like 50 million other developers.

What many people may not know is that was also the birth of the WI .NET Users Group.  I first became familiar with the group about a month or so later, and then I attended our first meeting in May 2002, with Doug Seven presenting.

Well, tonight, on the fifth birthday of all this goodness, the WI .NET Users Group is meetingLarry Clarkin will be presenting ASP.NET AJAX, but before that, we’ll have just a little celebration.  With our pizza, provided by Northwods Software, we’ll have some birthday cake, as well as a small “prize” for everyone (courtesy of Dave Bost at Microsoft).

Come and celebrate with us tonight.  As always, the meetings are free, but registration is encouraged so we make sure to have enough food.  Find out more about the WI .NET Users Group and this meeting at www.wi-ineta.org.

New Version of Cropper Released

Brian Scott released a new version of Cropper a couple days ago.  I missed the announcement due to RSS reader issues, but I was fortunate enough to get to poke around with it in advance for a couple days.  It’s been about a year since the last release, and I was beginning to wonder if version 1.8 was going to be “it”.

Cropper is one of those little apps that I have that I couldn’t imagine not having.  I’m glad to see that development has picked up again.

Now I should just buckle down and take the time to write an “output to Community Server” plugin…

Update #2: More IE Stuff

Early this year I posted a ZIP of stuff for IE context menus.  I just wrote and added another menu item for checking or unchecking any checkboxes in the current text selection.

The file is attached to this post.  Download and use at your own risk.  See readme.txt for summary and instructions.  These will modify your registry and if you don’t know what that implies, then you probably won’t want to install them.

It’s That Time of Year Again

It’s time for stupid blizzards with lots of stupid snow and stupid shoveling and stupid drifts and stupid wind and stupid drivers and stupid cold wet socks because the stupid snow was deeper than the stupid tops of your stupid shoes.  Yeah it’s time for that.

That, and my birthday.  Yeah.  Another year older today.  As a former student of mathematics (B.S., Applied Math), this year is kind of “fun” because it is one of those rare it-will-only-happen-6-times-in-your-life years.  The last time it happened was when I got my drivers license and the time before that I was in third grade.  Oh, and when I say “fun” I mean that in an “I don’t get out of the house enough” sort of way.

Yes, I’m 32, or 25.  The next time my age will be a power of two is when I turn 64 (26), in 32 more years.  I can hardly wait (sigh).  That party better be huge!

Anyway, snow is stupid and so is getting older, but on the bright side, 32 is a fun number and I get to have a steak tonight for my birthday dinner. 

Unless it keeps snowing. 

Then all I have is the fun-ness of 32.

Woo hoo!  [<:o)]

Tap My Mind Is More Web 2.0 Than Google

My site, www.tapmymind.com, is “more Web 2.0” that Google (www.google.com) according to the Web 2.0 Validator.

So where are my billions?

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