A Blog by Scott Isaacs

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A Christmas Shopping Story

Charlie Reading So Charlize and I were out Christmas shopping for Kelly a couple months ago.  We went to Barnes and Noble to see if there were any good books for Mommy.  We entered the store on the second floor through the kids section, so I grabbed a book for Charlie to read while I was shopping.

Charlie Reading While walking through the store, we got lots of looks.  I guess people have never seen a (then) 15 month old reading in her stroller.  What do they expect her to do in a bookstore?  Just sit there?  Well, apparently, the book was too elementary for her because, as you can see from the pictures, she finished it in a hurry.  She even read it 2 or 3 times.

Well, I was browsing the books and saw one that interested me, even though I was supposed to be shopping for my wife.  I stopped the stroller on the side of that aisle and took a quick look at the book.  (I don’t even remember what it was anymore.)  Since Charlie had already read her book 3 times now (maybe even 4 by this point), she started looking around and found one that looked particularly interesting to her.  She leaned forward in her stroller and grabbed this one off the shelf by herself.  Seriously.  She almost dropped it, but when I saw what she was doing I helped her out.

Charlie Reading The book she picked?  Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World’s Top Bloggers.  I’m not sure what interested her most: the interview with Mary Jo Foley or the one with Robert Scoble.  In either case, she really seemed to be attached to this one and had no interest in me putting it back on the shelf for her.

Charlie's BooksShe read this book for a while, but never finished it.  I think it was physically just too heavy for her little hands.  Either that or she got frustrated reading about The Unofficial Apple Weblog.  Eventually, we left it with the first book on a table in the coffee shop after drinking a venti something-or-other and a bottle of Fiji water.  I’m thinking I should add it to her Amazon wish list.

I know I will undoubtedly miss many moments in her life, but I want to keep that to a minimum.  When possible, Kelly and I try to capture as many things on camera as we can so that we always remember those moments that we don’t miss.  And so we can share them with family and friends who don’t get to see her very often.  Thank God for camera phones.

My Secret Recipe

Tonight, I had Charlie* to myself while Mommy is at work.  I made her dinner around 6PM or so, and then let her go play while I was making myself something to eat.  She’s almost 18 months now, and she plays really well by herself.  It’s neat to see her start to play with little dolls and her doll house.  I even saw her take a "sip" from her little tea set tonight.

Anyway, as I was saying, after feeding her, I made myself some dinner: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with Fried Hot Dogs.  Basically, you make the mac and cheese just like the box says, and in another skillet, you fry up some diced hot dog pieces.  When the mac is done, mix in the hot dogs.

Well, Charlie found her way into the kitchen while I was cooking and she seemed to want some more food.  She’s been eating a lot lately so she is probably growing.  So before I mixed the hot dogs in, I scooped out a little mac and put it in a separate bowl.  I let her keep running around, but she would keep coming back every few seconds for another bite.  Evidently macaroni and cheese is one of her favorites.

She’s also learning to talk right now and is just starting to pick up new words.  We’ve been stuck on "Mama", "Daddy", "uh oh", "good girl" and "what’s that" for what seems like forever, but the last week or so she’s been learning new words.  So I thought I would try to teach her to say macaroni.

Four syllables is too much for an 18 month old.

So I decided to go with just "mac".  Each time she would come for another bite (I almost typed byte right there… what a geek), I would say, "Charlie, say ‘mac’."

Each time, she said, "Cookie".  Guess what she’s been having as a snack the last couple days.

So anyway, I thought I would share my special recipe for any other dads that need to make a quick easy dinner for their kids.


1 pkg. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
1/4 cup Milk
4 tbsp. Butter
2 Hot dogs


Boil enough water to cover the noodles.  After water comes to a boil, add noodles and turn the heat down so that it doesn’t boil over.  Dads like to cook on high, but trust me and my experience, scrubbing burned water off of the stove takes a lot longer than the extra minute or so you get for cooking on high.  While the water and noodles are boiling, cut two hot dogs into small pieces, roughly 1/4" cube.  After the noodles have boiled for a while (about 7 or 8 minutes), strain them and return them to the pot.  Add butter (for best results, cut the butter into smaller chunks first), the milk and the powdered cheese stuff.  Stir well.  Scoop a small amount out for your toddler.  Then stir in the cooked hot dogs.  Be sure to drop a couple on the floor for the dogs (optional, only recommended if you have dogs).  Makes a daddy-sized serving and a Charlie-sized serving.

That’s it.  I’ve made this meal a number of times since I moved out almost 15 years ago, so, yes, I typed it from memory.

I can cook other stuff, though, too.  Things that don’t come from a box even.  Things that aren’t written on a recipe card.  Things that other people have told me were tasty enough to eat again.  The problem with that is two-fold:

  1. I’m alone tonight and don’t want to make that much food.
  2. I really don’t want to clean up after making one of those meals.

Maybe if I get inspired I’ll share another recipe sometime.

So anyway, try Scott’s Famous Mac and Cheese and Fried Hot Dogs sometime and share it with your kid.  They’ll love it and you’ll only have two pans to clean.

* Yes, she has her own website.  It’s full of photos for friends and family.  You have to register to see the photos, but feel free if you wish.  Kelly just wanted to be able to make it harder for the weirdos to see the pics.

Maybe Another Time

So, we got our news today.  It wasn’t what we we hoping to hear.  Some of you will know what I’m talking about.  For the rest of you, I’m sorry, but I’m not really in the mood to talk about it right now.  I guess that doesn’t make for much of a blog post — maybe another time.

And Now This!

Kelly and ScottWithout really going into any detail, Kelly and I are facing some issues and are expecting to hear either really good news or bad news later this week or early next.  We’re both staying really positive, though.

Charlie in Mommy's glassesSo anyway, thinking about that, I started thinking about all of the things that we’ve gone through this year, and since we’ve been together over the last several years.  It hasn’t all been roses.  In the last 13 months, we’ve both lost jobs.  We’ve had some struggles financially due to a declining real estate market.  My grandma died earlier this year.  I’m sure if I tried, I could think of a number of other things. 

And now this!

Charlie's blue eyesIt’s so easy to get caught up in the "and now this" mentality, and just keep piling more things on.  It’s so easy to get discouraged, frustrated, angry, depressed, or whatever.  But for every bad thing that has happened, one or more good things has happened.

When I lost my job last year, within roughly a week, I had four job offers on the table, and I could take my pick, each better (in so many ways) than the job I lost.  Now I work with my childhood best friend, building a company doing things I never thought I would do.  There are struggles and stress to be sure, but it’s an amazing thing to be able to be in this position.  I never imagined that I would have been involved in designing and creating a product like this.  Or that our first client would be a company in the top 150 of the Fortune 500.  Or that it looks like our second client will also be a company on that list.

After losing her job earlier this year, KellyKelly now has three jobs (aside from the "mom thing"), and they’re all perfect for her.  She works a few hours a week at a place that loves having her and gets her out of the house to interact with adults.  She is also a work-from-home executive assistant to one of the top real estate brokers in California’s Central Valley, so she gets to see Charlie all day long between her tasks.  And to top it off, she is starting her own business.  (Buy something now!)  I can say, without a doubt, that I have an amazing wife.

We never did sell our last house.  But we found renters.  Good renters — a young family who pays their rent on time and takes good care of the place.

Charlie deep in thoughtMy grandma died earlier this year, and that was hard for me — especially since I live so far from the rest of my family.  Sometimes, being so far away, I forget, then I remember and feel sad all over again. 

Then I remember that just a few months before she died, before she even knew she had cancer, my grandma had a chance to meet and hold my daughter, Charlize.  I can’t imagine anything that has ever happened — or will ever happen — to me that could be as life changing as having Charlie.

And now this!

See, the thing about the "and now this" syndrome is that it works both ways.  You may have heard it described as being "on a roll", "on fire", "in the groove", or a million other phrases.

Charlie trying to steal the cameraI’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve added a few photos to this post.  As you might have guessed, those are the things I am most thankful for this year.  For that matter, for the rest of my like those are going to be the things for which I am most thankful.

I love my wife.  I love my daughter.  They both love me.  That alone make any struggle or loss seem almost trivial.  I’m blessed and I don’t believe it’s coincidence.  To that, add the rest of my family, my close friends, my faith, my job, my new home, all of my opportunities, and the fact that, through it all, we’re happy.

And now this!

We don’t yet know what "this" is, and it may prove to be a painful process to find out.  But I do know that there is a "this" and when we find it, it will be amazing.

If you pray, please keep us in your prayers this week and next.  Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving from the Isaacs family.

Math Is Calming

Not gonna happen...Many of you know that I have a little 14 month old daughter, Charlize (we call her Charlie, and she has a website).  Some of you are aware that 14 months is around an age that is not an uncommon age for first steps.  A few of you may also know that our house is largely covered with wood flooring.

See where this is going?

Charlie has been walking here and there for almost two months, but is just now starting to really take off.  She’s finally at the point where she walks more than she crawls.

Tonight was no exception, and she was taking a few laps around the living room.  The center of the living room is carpeted (roughly 15′ square) and there is a 3′ perimeter that is wood.  Also, with the "open concept", the wood extends into the surrounding entry way, dining room and kitchen area.

You can always tell how tired she is by one or more of three indicators:

  • She rubs her eyes,
  • She pulls her knees up under her and lays her head on the floor for a minute (really cute by the way), or
  • She gets a little clumsy

Tonight she took a tumble in the entry hall and clocked her head on the wood flooring.  Basically, it went like this:

  • Smile, happy, walking around.
  • THUD!
  • Calm before the storm.  This part seems like an eternity, but scientists have proven that, in reality, it is only 1-3 seconds.  Somehow babies instinctively know how to mess with the space-time continuum.
  • Crying that makes you wish that pulling your fingernails out with pliers and then pounding them into your tear ducts with a hammer would make her feel better.

Nothing would calm her down.  I picked her up and held her for a minute and tried to soothe her.  I have no idea why I thought that would work, by the way.  Kelly took her and gave it a shot.  She tried the pacifier, which normally helps if she’s more tired than anything else.  She tried talking to her.  She tried singing.  None of the normal things were working.

Then my brilliant wife started saying, "1 + 1 is 2.  1 + 2 is 3," and Charlie started to calm instantly.  Even though she was completely calm by the "mid 2s", Kelly went all the way up to the "10s", and Charlie just watched her the whole time.

Is it possible?  Could it be?  Have the stars aligned?  Is this cutest little girl in the whole world really a geek at heart?  Let me tell you, it made this geek dad smile.  [:)]

By the way, if you have a little girl, or if you want to be really mean to your young son, Kelly is starting up a little side business making accessories for girls.  Buy something so we can send this genius kid of ours to Harvard or MIT in a couple years.

New Tool: Folder Finder

I’m on a roll here with the little utilities…

My dad called the other day as he was leaving his office (in California).  Due to the nature of his business and the way their network is setup, he and his team work with a large number of folders on a network share.  Each of these folders contains information about a particular project or potential project, and they are all contained within a single parent folder.  For example, the parent folder might be P:\Projects, and there may be hundreds of project folders such as P:\Projects\Project 023A, P:\Projects\Project 023B.  I don’t really know the names of the folders (I just made those up), but the names mean something to him and his team.

At any given time, though, there could be a couple hundred folders in the project folder.  Some come and some go, but overall the number seems to be increasing.  So it is getting harder for them to find the necessary folder when they need to do some work or reporting for that project.

FolderFinderNow, I can imagine that there is plenty of room to engineer some system (or buy something) that will help them better manage this, but what he really needed right away was a faster way to find a folder.  So I wrote Folder Finder.

It’s a very simple app to use and I only spent a couple hours on it.  Basically, you download the app and place it anywhere you want (.NET 2.0 required).  You run it and choose a base folder, which gets saved and re-used each time you run the app (C:\Projects in my example).  Then you just start typing a portion of the folder name.  Since the names mean something to you, just type the part you know.  It doesn’t matter if it is the beginning, middle or end of the folder name.  The list filters automatically.  At anytime you can double click your folder to open it, or if it is the first in the list you can simply press Enter.

That’s it.  All there is to it.  It doesn’t do anything super high-tech or magical.  It just lets them find their folders faster.

So if you want to download and use it, feel free.  As always, use it at your own risk, but I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know if you use it — especially if you have any comments or suggestions.  Also, feel free to share it with anyone who might think it is useful.  If anyone wants the source for any reason, let me know and I’ll make it available.

How Lucky Am I?

I have the cutest kid ever — just ask me.  Or take a look for yourself (click the pic to see more).  This was from her first ever ride on a carousel at the Waukesha County Fair last weekend.


Isn’t She the Cutest Baby Ever?

Isn’t she the cutest? As my sister said, “for more cuteness than you can handle, go to http://www.charlizeisaacs.com/.”


She’s Here

I’m a daddy!

Charlize McKenna Isaacs was born today at 2:35 PM.  Healthy and perfect.  I’ve uploaded a few low-res pics to her site on a very slow connection from the hospital.  More to come later.


Today Is The Day…

… the biggest day of my life… the biggest day of Kelly’s life… the biggest day of our baby’s life.  This afternoon we are going to the hospital to start labor induction.  Most likely tonight, or sometime tomorrow morning, she will be here, and I will be a dad.  The next post from me will be to say that she is here, and will hopefully have a picture.  [:D]  Please keep us in your prayers that everything goes smoothly and that the baby is born healthy and without any issues or complications.

Now that the hours remaining to check in at the hospital are in single digits, I’m finally starting to get…  I’m not sure what word to use to describe it.  Nervous? Anxious?  Excited?  Overwhelmed?  All of the above? 

To this point, it’s been pretty surreal for me, mostly because this has been an unusually busy year for us aside from this whole “baby thing”.  But this morning I woke up at 6AM and it’s all I can think about.  “I’m going to see her little hands tonight.”  “I will hear her cry tonight.”  “I will get to hold her tonight.”  Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve even cried a little… and she’s not even here yet.

That is so unlike me.  In so many ways.  I’m normally too analytical to flat-out say that it’s a “she” without clarifying that it’s still not 100% that she’s a girl.  I’m normally too analytical to say that it will be tonight, when neither I nor the doctors have any idea how long the labor will take, assuming Kelly actually even starts labor this evening.  I cannot remember a single time in my life where I cried over a good thing — I’m not one of those “happy cry” people, because “crying is for sad things”.

But here I am, with tears in my eyes, saying to myself, “I will hold her tonight.”

Today is the biggest day of my life.

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