A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Tag: Family

The Baby Is Now In The Lead

I posted a couple days ago about our upcoming schedule.  Well, it seems now that the baby might take the lead by a day or two.

Apparently our wood flooring people announced to the other contractors on site this past Monday that they would walk off the job if everyone else hadn’t cleared out of the house by 9 AM.  That, coupled with the holiday on Monday, will push us out until Wednesday or Thursday (the day our baby will probably be born) to get occupancy, and until the following weekend to move.  So we will probably have occupancy before the baby is born, but not actually be able to move in.

I have to admit that I’m more than a little angry at the flooring installers.  They knew that these people had to be there that day, and realistically, there was no reason for them to kick everyone out until later in the afternoon when they were about to start applying the first coat of finish.


Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about it now.  At least my parents will be in town to see the new baby help us move.

Neck and Neck Around Turn Four!

Well, everything is starting to happen at once.  With the new house, everything should be done in time for us to move in next weekend (Labor Day weekend).  My fingers are still crossed on that one.  The house has taken a couple weeks longer than I wanted, but we are still ahead of the schedule agreed to with our builder.  So with any luck, we will be all moved in by 9/4.

Then on 9/7, we’re going to the hospital to have our baby.  You may be thinking, “Yeah, right.  This rookie parent thinks his baby is going to be born on the due date.”  Actually our due date is the following week, but for a number of reasons we are going to induce labor on the 7th.  The doctor said that may end up taking a couple days, but we’re hoping it goes quickly.  So unless, she decides to be born early, our daughter will be born on 9/7 (or 9/8).

Let’s recap: moving on 9/4, having a baby on 9/7.

Right now, it looks like the house will edge the baby out by a hair.  C’mon house!  You can do it!  Just hold on!

Baby First "Photos"

Our baby’s first “photos” were taken yesterday.  We’ve already had a few ultrasounds, but this was a little cooler….

Click for bigger view:

Kicked in the Face

No, Gerry, not “punched in the neck”.  This morning I was kicked in the face…

…by my unborn daughter.

The last two times I talked to her she started moving around, and then settled down when I stopped talking.  Today was the same.  I was talking to her, and she started kicking.  For some unknown reason I put the side of my face on Kelly, as if I would be able to hear the baby respond, which, of course, is silly.

Or maybe not. 

I didn’t hear a response, but I felt one — she kicked when my face was there and got me right in the cheek. 

Now don’t worry.  I’m OK.  It didn’t hurt because she’s only about 12 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds, but she might just be a soccer player if this is any sort of indication.  [:)]  Of course, I’d rather she be into baseball, but I guess I’ll leave it up to her.

I just think it’s amazing that, even before she is born, she knows who I am by my voice.  Kelly said she doesn’t do that for anyone else.


By the way, regardless of what she says, Kelly’s belly button IS the microphone so that the baby can hear me.

I Felt The Baby Move!!!!!!

I felt the baby move this morning!  It was the first time for me, although Kelly has been able to feel it for a while.  I had tried before when she said the baby was active, but never with any luck.  I was about to give up again this morning when I finally felt it.  [:D]

You know how sometimes when you press your fingers against something you can feel your pulse in your fingertips?  It felt a lot like that, only stronger, and it didn’t happen ~60 times per minute like I could feel it in my other fingers.  I felt her kick with the ring finger of my right hand.  (I’m sure no one cares about that detail, but I wanted to write it down for my own benefit.)

That was really cool.  As far as I can remember it is the first time I’ve ever felt any baby kick at all.  In two weeks this may be old-hat, but it was pretty exciting for me this time.



Didn’t know for sure before, but we found out today.  It’s pink.  [:D]

BTW, today is our wedding anniversary.  It is our cinco-th anniversary this Cinco de Mayo.

(Love you, Kelly!)

Pink OR Blue OR (Yellow AND Green)

OK, I can finally start telling people what I’ve been keeping secret.

Kelly and I are going to have a baby!!!

A few weeks ago, we had our first ultrasound.  That was amazing!  The baby was less than 3/4″ long at the time, but its heart was already beating (I could see it beating 3 times per second, but we couldn’t hear it), and it was already moving around.  Apparently it sleeps for about 23 hours a day (lucky!), but it must have got disturbed during the ultrasound because it was in a different position at the end than it was at the beginning.

That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen.  I can’t imagine how this could get any cooler, but if I listen to my friends who already have kids, it must get way better.  I can’t wait to be overwhelmed when the baby is born in September!

We’re almost 12 weeks, so we won’t know for another couple months if we should be decorating the baby’s room in our new house with pink or blue.  The new house, by the way, is also due in September.

I’m so excited….

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