I’ve been putting off writing this post because I didn’t know where to start. I still don’t know where to start…
Thank God It’s Friday …
While it wasn’t all fun and games, Deeper in .NET was a lot of fun. What many people may not know is that Deeper in .NET 2006 actually kicked off on Friday night, April 21. On Friday we had a little get together with the speakers, some of the local bloggers, and other “friends of the community”. It was very casual, and the “Welcome to Wisconsin” buffet was perfect — who could pass up fried fish, brats, and other Wisconsin-y things?
Because one of my friends is a drummer, we were also able to get a couple of bands to come play Friday night for a few hours. Both A Little Known Nothing and Mood Infusion were great, and they both have CDs available for purchase.
I’m still getting comments about that night.
Then Came Saturday …
The morning started bright and early, and there was a long check-in line by 7:15. Fortunately, the check-in process was much smoother this year, and thanks to my wife Kelly and her boss Kate (C&C Recruiting), the line moved pretty much non-stop.

To save time searching for pre-printed name tags like in years past, this year, we managed to get our hands on a high-speed label printer, and we printed the name tags off as people checked in. All attendees had the choice of C# or VB.NET name tag. Looking back, I should have kept track of the number of each language since about a dozen people have asked me so far.
With tons of prizes to give away throughout the day, we decided to give away a few prizes at the beginning of each session. So we pulled five random names before Michele, Scott, Julie, Bill and Jason started their presentations. We still had a ton of stuff to give away at the end of the day, though.
There is no way I can do Deeper in .NET justice in this post. It was incredible, and I’m very happy with how well it went. A number of other people have posted about their thoughts on the day. Here are a few links:
Both Julia and Korby have posted a number of pictures. One of these days, I’ll get mine up. If you took any, please send me a link.
(I’m sure I missed some posts, but you can trackback or comment below.)
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday …
Well, since Deeper in .NET finished, I have been sleeping terribly. Aren’t you supposed to lose sleep before something big, and then sleep better after it is over? Not the case for me for some reason. I didn’t lose any sleep leading up to DiDN, but haven’t had a good night’s sleep since. I think it’s time to break out the Tylenol PM…
Next Year…
This year was a big success, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t picked up some new ideas for next year. If you have any ideas pelase feel free to let me know.