Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Even longer if you’re one of those that doesn’t think my “Congrats to Brian and Belinda” post counts. I was about to say that nothing really interesting has happened since Tech·Ed, but I guess that wouldn’t be entirely correct.
As you may know, about halfway through Tech·Ed, I stopped blogging. It wasn’t because of lack of desire or things to say. It was more that it was a pain to get online and do it. The wireless connectivity basically sucked at the convention center. They had plenty of workstations available to get online, but they weren’t always convenient, and by the time I got around to them I didn’t feel like writing a whole lot. So I didn’t. You’ll just have to deal with that, won’t you?
Anyway, so now I’ll do my best to recap what has happened since then.
As I mentioned, Kelly flew down on Thursday night and we spent a long weekend together in Orlando. It started out with her flight arriving late, so by the time we got over to the attendee party at Universal Studios, we only had about 2 hours left. That was fun, though, and we got to do about 4 or 5 different things.
I had arranged to rent a car for the time when Kelly was going to be around. I had originally rented a mid-sized car (“Toyota Corolla or similar”), but when I got to the airport to pick up the car and Kelly, I got a good deal to upgrade to a convertible. So for about $22 per day, we had a Mitsubishi Elcipse Spyder. That was fun.
So after a short day at Tech·Ed on Friday, Kelly and I met Gerry, Jeanne and their kids for some lunch and a short tour of one of the outrageously priced malls in Orlando. After Gerry and his family left to do their thing for the night, Kelly and I went and spent an undisclosed number of dollars at the premium outlet stores and we had dinner at some Cuban restaurant at the Downtown Disney area (wan’t too impressed with the food really).
Saturday, we spent the whole day at Epcot. It rained off and on all day, but we did just about everything there is to do there. We skipped a couple shows in the “countries”, but did almost everything else, including riding the new Mission Space simulator ride. It was a blast, but according to the queasiness that came after, it’s obvious that I’m not 16 anymore. Fortunately, after about 5 minutes I felt a lot better.
Sunday we slept in a bit, then went to Cocoa Beach. It was a fairly nice day, so we drove with the top down.
That’s where the mistakes began.
We were at the beach for less than an hour, but tack on an hour each way in the car, and we were basically in the sun for about three hours. It didn’t dawn on me that riding in a car with the top down and the wind blowing in your face to keep you cool should count as time spent in the sun.
I fried.
It was bad. That day it wasn’t so bad, and even Monday wasn’t that bad. But Tuesday and Wednesday were so bad that I didn’t come into the office. It was gross … and painful. Really gross. Really painful. I could finally start to move my left arm somewhat again by Friday — just in time to move my in-laws on Saturday.
Which leads me to the next update — for the next several weeks my in-laws are going to be living with me and Kelly. They sold their house and have bought another, but the closings are out of synch by about 6 or 7 weeks. So we moved the majority of their stuff into storage, and the rest into our house. Our tiny house is pretty full now with five adults and three dogs, but we’re making it. Parking is the most confusing since street parking requires permits (which we don’t have).
Umm, let’s see… what else…
Oh, we had another “geek lunch” last week. On Thursday a group of us got together at Fuddrucker’s in Brookfield. It was a small group (6 total), but the burger was still yummy. Thanks to Gerry for being the unofficial “official geek lunch organizer planner guy” — I think we need a website for that.
Aside from that, not a whole lot has happened. I’ve been starting to experiment with the newest version of DotNetNuke, which we plan to use for the WI .NET Users Group, as well as for my own (non-blog) site.
That’s about it. Consider yourselves updated.