A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Tag: Professional Page 12 of 25

ASP.NET Web Application Project Problem/Question

OK, so I have an ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application Project (and here) — opposed to a Web Site Project — that I’m having an issue with.

If I manually add a DLL to the bin folder and navigate to a page that uses it, I get an error:

Could not load type ‘Other.Project.Name.ClassName’ from assembly ‘Other.Project.Name, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’

However, if I add a reference to that same DLL in the web app project and navigate to the same page, it works.

What am I missing?  Does adding a reference do more than simply adding the DLL to the bin folder?  Obviously there’s a lot more detail than I’ve described here, but that seems to be the crux of it.

What I’ve Secretly Been Working On

We’re all familiar with water, right?  You know, H20?  Well in light of all the Web 2.0 “stuff” out there today, I’ve been asked to be part of a team working on a new version.

As you may or may not know, our current stable release is H21.  It is a maintenance release, with a few bug fixes.  But we’re we’re really proud of is our new Beta for version H30.  It’s a limited beta, so you have to be invited by someone who is already a beta particpant, but don’t ask me for an invitation.  I was only given a few and I’ve already given them out.

So, besides the new spelling, you might be wondering what’s new in Watr H3.0.  Well, here’s a short list:

  • Rewritten from the ground up using Ruby on Rails and AJAX
  • A public REST API*
  • A public SOAP API*
  • Even more Hydrogen than before!
  • Baked in tag support, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase “tag cloud
  • RSS/Atom feeds
  • User-generated content
  • and more! 

* = Available in a future release

This is all very exciting, as you can imagine.  Due to the “limited beta” status, I’ve said about all I can say about this, but keep your eyes open for our public beta in the near future.


Windows Automatic Update Reboot Nag

This is one of those “so I don’t forget where I found it” posts.  So how many people have seen this dialog?

Normally I’m not ready to reboot right after I install updates, so I click Restart Later.  Easy enough, right?  Well it would be if it didn’t pop up again 10 minutes later.  Then 10 minutes later.  Then 10 minutes later.  Then 10 minutes later.  Then 10 minutes later.

Anyway, I found this fix the other day and thought I’d link it so I could find it again in the future.


Anyone know anything about orkut?  I’ve seen it mentioned before, and I happened on it again today. 

I’m not normally that big into social networking sites, but when you can’t sign up on your own, and they make you have an invitation, I get curious… [:)]

Upcoming Users Group Meetings

We have two great meetings on the schedule for the WI .NET Users Group.

The first is tonight, June 13: Regular Expressions with Dave Wanta.

In this presentation, Dave Wanta will present an introduction to Regular Expressions, commonly known as Regexes. This presentation will cover the basic Regex operators, metacharacters, and pattern matching. From there, we will move into advanced groupings, replacing, and logic branching. Come prepared to learn, as most of this presentation is performed writing Regexes, rather than simply talking about them.

About Dave
Dave Wanta is the founder of www.123aspx.com, the first and largest ASP.NET directory site, and www.kbAlertz.com, the only site available to update you about Microsoft’s latest KB Articles. A veteran speaker and instructor, Dave has also co-authored The ASP.NET Bible for Hungry Minds. Topic Areas are: ASP.NET, ASP.NET Caching, ADO.NET, Patterns, TCP\IP and Network Connections in .NET.

Register online here.

The next one is Tuesday, July 11: An Introduction to Grid Computing with Chad Albrecht.

Have a power hungry application on a machine that just can’t handle it? Don’t buy a faster machine, steal the cycles you need! In his presentation, Chad Albrecht will discuss the basics of grid computing using .NET technologies. Grid computing provides an interesting means of distributing applications across any number of machines. Learn the fundamentals of grid computing, data grids, basic SQL Server scaling out and a few other tricks. Those in attendance will be able to use their laptops as active grid nodes, so make sure to bring it along!

About Chad
Chad Albrecht is an engineer with 15 years experience developing connected applications. His domain knowledge includes business analysis, communication systems, embedded design, database architecture and mobile computing in the Microsoft and Linux environments. Chad has worked as an independent consultant for much of his career and services clients in the Milwaukee and Chicago markets.

Register online here.

Update: Comment Spam

I mentioned before that I was getting a lot of comment spam, so I turned on comment moderation.  Well, yesterday and today I received around 100 comment spam.  Since they are moderated, they don’t show up, but it’s still a pain.

So I finally looked into some other options, namely ReverseDOS.  If this works well, the I’ll remove the moderation entirely.  Does anyone have any experience with this tool?  Maybe some customized filters that work really well?

Comment Moderation

Well, for now I have turned on moderation for comments posted to this blog.  The last couple weeks I’ve been getting a lot more comment SPAM, so until I take the time to find another alternative, this will be in place.

Of course, I don’t get that many comments anyway, so if you do leave a comment it shouldn’t take me very long to approve it so it gets posted.  Also, you can get around the moderation by creating an account on this site.  Comments from authenticated users aren’t moderated.

Can’t Install Expression Web Designer CTP

So I downloaded the new Expression Web Designer CTP today on my work computer (new Dell, XP Pro SP2, 3+GHz PentD, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD), but can’t seem to install it.  I get the EULA prompt, then the status bar starts.  It makes it about 90% across then I get a dialog box that says “The installation of this package failed.”

I don’t see anything in the event logs either.  Anyone have any ideas?  I’ll try on my home computer later.

Obviously I’m missing something but don’t know what.


LINQ.  Rhymes with Pink.  Maybe my next post will be titled “Think”… [:)]

Based in part on Sean‘s presentation last night, I finally looked at LINQ today for the first time.  As it turns out the latest CTP seems to have been made available for download today.

I’ve looked at it for all of 10 minutes so far, but it looks pretty cool.  I’m a little “behind” on the “future” technology, so I have no idea how performance compares, but it looks like productivity will increase.

Google Really *IS* Evil

Regardless of what you’ve heard or read, Google is evil. Here is proof.


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