A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Tag: Professional Page 11 of 25

Telerik — The Quest?

So, what is it?

I added my piece, but it’s in a lousy location.  You can’t even really tell it’s there.  Five points* to the first person to find it!

* Points have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for anything with any cash value.  Basically, I might as well have offered five billion points — you’re not really going to get anything for it.  However, you do have the privilege of saying that you got the points, and that’s worth something in and of itself.

(via Sahil Malik)

I’m Making a Difference…

I don’t IM much these days due to work load, but I still do every now and then.  When I do I primarily use Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN).

Well, I just saw this program today and figured, why not.  Just by adding a few characters to my personal message, Microsoft will donate some amount to the charity of my choice (from a list of charities).  I’m sure it’s not a ton of money being donated per IM conversation, but since it doesn’t take any more effort on my part, I might as well have my IMs make a difference.  It would be nice to see how much is being donated to each cause.  I wonder if that is something Microsoft would be willing to share?

So, anyway, if you’re a WLM/MSN user, why not take 60 seconds that could end up donating at least a few bucks to some worthy cause?

Happy Birthday To .NET

Today is .NET’s fifth birthday.  Five years ago today, on February 13, 2002, Microsoft launched Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework.  I was at the launch event at Navy Pier in Chicago with my buddies Steve Ballmer and Don Box, and what seemed like 50 million other developers.

What many people may not know is that was also the birth of the WI .NET Users Group.  I first became familiar with the group about a month or so later, and then I attended our first meeting in May 2002, with Doug Seven presenting.

Well, tonight, on the fifth birthday of all this goodness, the WI .NET Users Group is meetingLarry Clarkin will be presenting ASP.NET AJAX, but before that, we’ll have just a little celebration.  With our pizza, provided by Northwods Software, we’ll have some birthday cake, as well as a small “prize” for everyone (courtesy of Dave Bost at Microsoft).

Come and celebrate with us tonight.  As always, the meetings are free, but registration is encouraged so we make sure to have enough food.  Find out more about the WI .NET Users Group and this meeting at www.wi-ineta.org.

New Version of Cropper Released

Brian Scott released a new version of Cropper a couple days ago.  I missed the announcement due to RSS reader issues, but I was fortunate enough to get to poke around with it in advance for a couple days.  It’s been about a year since the last release, and I was beginning to wonder if version 1.8 was going to be “it”.

Cropper is one of those little apps that I have that I couldn’t imagine not having.  I’m glad to see that development has picked up again.

Now I should just buckle down and take the time to write an “output to Community Server” plugin…

Update #2: More IE Stuff

Early this year I posted a ZIP of stuff for IE context menus.  I just wrote and added another menu item for checking or unchecking any checkboxes in the current text selection.

The file is attached to this post.  Download and use at your own risk.  See readme.txt for summary and instructions.  These will modify your registry and if you don’t know what that implies, then you probably won’t want to install them.

Tap My Mind Is More Web 2.0 Than Google

My site, www.tapmymind.com, is “more Web 2.0” that Google (www.google.com) according to the Web 2.0 Validator.

So where are my billions?

I’m Looking for New Opportunities

Well, the time has come for me to start aggresively looking for new employment opportunities.  If anyone has any leads, please contact me.  My resume is posted on this site, and I will be updating it shortly.  In a nutshell, I’m a .NET developer, and am open to any ideas.

Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox Icons

I’m sure this is something I could fix given some time with my good friend Google, but time is something I don’t have a lot of, and the problem isn’t really that serious — just annoying.

In a nutshell, the icons in my Toolbox (VS 2005, not SP1) are “messed up” — they’re all the same icon (see picture on right).  Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this?  Especially suggestions that won’t cause me to lose other non-default settings I have changed?

Update: It’s only happening on WinForms apps (web apps are OK), and it is only on three of the control groups in the toolbox: “All Windows Forms”, “Common Controls”, and “Containers”.

Those MIT People Are Smart


How Wealthy Is Bill Gates

So BillG is worth around $53 billion, or should I say $53 “Bill-ion”.  That’s amazing.  To help me put that into perspective, I found the MegaPenny Project.  According to the math on this site, if Bill converted his entire wealth into pennies, he would have enough pennies to fill the Sears Tower — twice!

Of course that’s 25 times as many pennies as are in circulation, so I wouldn’t be looking for any copper skyscrapers in Redmond anytime soon.

I’d be happy with enough pennies to fill my house ($10-15 million).  I’m not greedy.  [;)]

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