Today is .NET’s fifth birthday.  Five years ago today, on February 13, 2002, Microsoft launched Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework.  I was at the launch event at Navy Pier in Chicago with my buddies Steve Ballmer and Don Box, and what seemed like 50 million other developers.

What many people may not know is that was also the birth of the WI .NET Users Group.  I first became familiar with the group about a month or so later, and then I attended our first meeting in May 2002, with Doug Seven presenting.

Well, tonight, on the fifth birthday of all this goodness, the WI .NET Users Group is meetingLarry Clarkin will be presenting ASP.NET AJAX, but before that, we’ll have just a little celebration.  With our pizza, provided by Northwods Software, we’ll have some birthday cake, as well as a small “prize” for everyone (courtesy of Dave Bost at Microsoft).

Come and celebrate with us tonight.  As always, the meetings are free, but registration is encouraged so we make sure to have enough food.  Find out more about the WI .NET Users Group and this meeting at